Answer by gojimmypi for SQL Case Sensitive String Compare
simplifying the general answerSQL Case Sensitive String CompareThese examples may be helpful:Declare @S1 varchar(20) = 'SQL'Declare @S2 varchar(20) = 'sql'if @S1 = @S2 print 'equal!' else print 'NOT...
View ArticleAnswer by Dave Sexton for SQL Case Sensitive String Compare
Just as another alternative you could use HASHBYTES, something like this:SELECT * FROM a_table WHERE HASHBYTES('sha1', attribute) = HASHBYTES('sha1', 'k')
View ArticleAnswer by QMaster for SQL Case Sensitive String Compare
You Can easily Convert columns to VARBINARY(Max Length), The length must be the maximum you expect to avoid defective comparison, It's enough to set length as the column length. Trim column help you to...
View ArticleAnswer by Jugal for SQL Case Sensitive String Compare
You can also convert that attribute as case sensitive using this syntax :ALTER TABLE Table1ALTER COLUMN Column1 VARCHAR(200)COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_ASNow your search will be case sensitive....
View ArticleAnswer by amccormack for SQL Case Sensitive String Compare
Select * from a_table where attribute = 'k' COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS Did the trick.
View ArticleAnswer by MatTheCat for SQL Case Sensitive String Compare
You can define attribute as BINARY or use INSTR or STRCMP to perform your search.
View ArticleSQL Case Sensitive String Compare
How do you compare strings so that the comparison is true only if the cases of each of the strings are equal as well. For example:Select * from a_table where attribute = 'k'...will return a row with an...
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